Roadmap to Becoming a Successful Android Developer by Mustufa Ansari

All Android applications must be written using Kotlin, Java, and/or C/C++. Often the question that pops up in most people’s minds is ‘How to become an android developer? All you need to do is learn the right programming language and understand the android platform’s lifecycle. Android apps, once developed and tested, take only about a day to be approved and deployed on Google Play Store.

Kotlin developer roadmap

If you know Python or Java then it is an added advantage to learn it quickly. After completing the basics of Android Development, you will be able to build apps with various features. But if you want to become a professional android developer, you will have to learn about implementation of concepts like Data privacy, Dependency Injection, Glide, Room, Model View ViewModel, etc. As one of the fastest growing programming languages Kotlin is used or on the roadmap of the big majority of our customers.

What qualifications are needed to become an android developer?

Also, you don’t have to learn all there is to know about the Android operating system. However, understanding the overall Android platform architecture will definitely help you to build better Android applications. So, when Google began building the Android system, Java was one of the most suitable languages.

Now you are able to develop the mobile applications, now before rolling out your applications for users. It is mandatory that your application passes all the test cases. So for that we can implement Unit Testing for testing of our mobile application. There are different learning sources which you can checkout for learning this programming language. But for better understanding follow the resources provided by Google to gain more insights on learning this programming language. After enough learning about android, now its time to make yourself prepare for technical interviews.


However, the developers have to closely work with the designer and database administrators. Looking at the versatility of the language and its use in developing Android Apps, it is vital to learn the language. As Google has recognized the language as one of the best Android App development languages, starting a career as a kotlin App developer will offer many opportunities and career growth to programmers. Read some android related blogs and also research some Android-related things. Make yourself self-motivated to learn Android and build some awesome projects on Android.

Kotlin developer roadmap

Android apps require storing, updating, and deleting information on an android device. Therefore, one needs to learn how to store information locally on the user’s device. The developer also needs to implement a system for push notifications, enriching the user experience. They are more inclined towards a better user interface and user experience. There are many database types, not only relational databases but also NoSQL and more but the most used one in the android apps is SQLite, a relational database that uses rows & columns. This course aimed to teach beginners the Java programming language by learning the basics of Java such as variables, the control flow such as for & while loops, string, and more.

Kotlin Coroutine Basics Quiz-Refresh Your Kotlin Knowledge

Background services are useful when the app needs to continue performing tasks even though the user’s not using them. There are multiple factors to consider before selecting one. To download the source code of this project, you can do that here. In java if you want to declare an override method you need to add @override annotation, but Kotlin offers something more awesome, override. Don’t forget that fun means function in Kotlin unlike java.

  • Kotlin is an open-source, statically typed “pragmatic” programming language designed to work for the JVM and Android.
  • You will learn the basics of kotlin language, such as data types, variables, conditional statements, arrays & lists, functions, object-oriented programming, and more.
  • The main responsibility of an app developer is to deliver the best coding for Android Apps.
  • Since the announcement, the number of applications built with Kotlin has increased exponentially.
  • Kotlin docs are neatly organized and a useful resource for beginners, but our community recognizes that many learners prefer practical applications as a way to quickly pick up new skills.

This blog will guide you through your android developer roadmap and help you understand the fundamentals. It is cross-platform, modern, and concise, much like Java language developed for app development. Its features and tool support help in creating UX/UI-friendly apps. Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that can be used as an alternative to Java for Android App Development. It has also been declared “official” language by google . The only sizable difference is that Kotlin removes one of the features of Java such as null pointer exceptions.

Get started to become a Kotlin developer!

Hello guys, if you want to learn Android in 2023 or want to become an Android developer and looking for an Android Developer RoadMap then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Android Courses and Books and in this article, I am going to share with you one of the most comprehensive Android Developer RoadMap you can find online. Android developers are in high demand since every firm and business in today’s market has an Android app to offer clients a wide range of services. If you’re new to this field, you might try out and improve your talents by working as a freelancer. You will continuously learn and explore new possibilities with different programming concepts and programming paradigms such as reactive programming.

Activities − Activities are used to display the screens within an android application and we can manage the lifecycle of an android application through the activity itself. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of Kotlin, a new programming language for Android that’s come after Java. Modern programming often requires us to make strong guarantees about how our applications terminate. One way to do this is through the use of structured concurrency. In this session, we will learn how to use Arrow’s Resource Domain-Specific Language to reason about resource safety in the same way structured concurrency is used to avoid leaking resources.

That’s why these languages are said to be close to the metal. The software stack you use, the development tools you master or the cloud platform to which you deploy — these are irrelevant if you’re not an Agile full-stack developer. Community driven content discussing all aspects of software development from DevOps to design patterns. The fourth and last column focuses on how to test your app, how to make some automation to reduce the development time, and how to secure your android app. Then, we came up with the idea of creating an android community to help those who are interested, and make them connected. We also thought of holding several meetups and talks for people to be always up to date.

Kotlin developer roadmap

So before jumping into the complete Roadmap of Android one should have a clear goal in his/her mind that why he/she wants to learn Android? Or do you want to build your apps to start your business? For example, if you want to learn Android for your college Academic projects then it’s enough to just learn the beginner things in Android.